This morning, WePay announced to its customer base that across the coming year it would be effectively shutting down WePay tools, including invoices, buttons, donations, events, and stores so it could focus on growing its API integrations channel.

If you’re a WePay user affected by this change, don’t fret. WePay did provide a quick list of alternatives in its communication, but you might want to also use this as an opportunity (if you’re the glass-mostly-full type) to upgrade your payment solution and find a WePay alternative.

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For more established nonprofits and professional service companies using WePay to accept credit cards online, on a mobile phone, or via online donation, you may have been cutting yourself short from a functionality perspective. While a great starter set of tools to accept credit cards, WePay was not necessarily designed for businesses or nonprofits with greater functionality needs, such as client or member database management, recurring billing, custom reporting, and cash flow forecasting.

A great way to find the best solution to accept credit cards for your organization is to assess the needs of the organization first. Last month, we posted 3-question assessment to walk through:

  1. How do you want clients or donors to be able to pay via credit card or e-check? (i.e. online, in person, over the phone, via invoice?)
  2. How do you want to track your best donors or customers and their information? (Do you want to be able to view payments and donations per person quickly and easily? What about addresses, birthdays, and other personal notes?)
  3. How do you want to follow-up? (Receipts, pro-active reminders, social media opportunities?)

Underneath these 3 questions are a lot of details you should be able to answer to pick the best-fitting credit card processing solution for your organization.
Read the full post to take the assessment >>

With the WePay tools March shutdown deadline approaching, you have just enough time to find a best-fit solution to accept credit cards and streamline how you accept payments or donations.

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