We do market research and are always on calls with end users of SaaS products. One constant theme we hear is that these users love all-in-one SaaS products. In this article, we’ll discuss the common pain points customers encounter with SaaS providers and how you can help them overcome them to create a winning SaaS product. 

Common pain points for end users

Here are some of the most common pain points we hear from end users of SaaS products that you should know about.

Too many products

There’s an app or product for everything under the sun. But too many choices can overwhelm and cause stress for customers. When looking at paid SaaS software, customers like having one product that can check many boxes and solve many problems. When given the choice of having two apps that do different things, or one product that does both, they’ll usually pick the latter for simplicity’s sake. 

The expense

People and businesses need their problems solved to save time and make more money. But, while people are willing to make investments to make their lives and businesses run more smoothly, they still have to consider their budget and, ultimately, their bottom line. Often, it’s cheaper to go with an all-in-one SaaS provider than to piece multiple products together. 

Learning curve

All new software has a learning curve. Suppose people will have to learn something new; they’re much likelier to want to learn one software than two (or more). Having an all-in-one product allows end users to save time and get back to working on their most important projects instead of investing hours learning how to use and get comfortable navigating new platforms. 

How all-in-one SaaS providers help solve customer’s problems

Based on the pain points above, here’s what you need to consider when creating an all-in-one SaaS product. 


One of the best ways to create a great customer experience is to offer a simple and easy solution. Creating an all-in-one product can help your customers save time in multiple ways. For example, they can learn about and get comfortable navigating one platform (yours), giving them more time to work on their business.

Additionally, you can save them time in their day-to-day workflow. For example, remembering usernames and passwords is time-consuming. By creating an all-in-one solution, you save your customers minutes every day, which over the years can add up to days or even weeks of their time that they’ll get back.  

Cost savings

With high inflation and rising interest rates, people are starting to feel the pinch in their budgets. By providing an all-in-one solution at an affordable price, you give your customers the ability to save money. The money they save can increase their bottom line or allow them to invest in other areas important for their growth. 

Benefits to all-in-one SaaS Providers

The better solution you can provide your customer, the more marketable your company will be. Additional benefits also come with being an all-in-one SaaS provider, especially if adding integrated payments as part of your all-in-one strategy. 

What are integrated payments?

Integrated payments allow SaaS companies to accept credit card payments within their software. Here are some of the perks of adding an integrated payment to your SaaS.

Added revenue stream

A payment solution can increase your revenue stream by getting a percentage of the transactions processed through your software. For example, if your software allows your clients to book appointments with their clients, adding an integrated payment can allow your customers to use your software to collect payments as well. When your customers collect payments, you will get a small percentage of the transaction.

While the revenue is slow initially, as you get more customers and your customers’ businesses grow, this can become a substantial revenue stream. 

More marketable product

As stated before, there’s already an app or product for everything under the sun. This makes differentiating your product and gaining market share challenging. One way to differentiate your product and gain market share is to provide a superior product that solves your customers’ pain points. Becoming an all-in-one SaaS provider can do that and help improve your business’s marketability. 

PaySimple Can Help

More than an API, PaySimple is a payments partner, delivering everything needed to launch, manage, and scale payments. Our proven integration playbook guides partners through discovery, onboarding, development, and launch. The entire process is effortless, with dedicated partner support at every phase. Our support includes a dedicated team to help SaaS companies achieve their revenue targets with marketing materials and sales training.