When your time is as limited as your budget, the key to attracting more customers with marketing is to steal borrow the marketing tactics working for the big brands and adapt them to your business (and budget!).
Watch as Mike Kujanek, former Googler and CEO of NYC-based digital marketing agency, Magnitude Digital takes you through:
- Marketing—Why Bother? Marketing isn’t simply a “nice-to-have” function of your business, but an essential step to building a foundation of predictable revenue.
- Marketing Channel Basics A quick overview of the most popular marketing channels including email marketing, content marketing, SEO, account based marketing and performance marketing.
- What’s Working Now and What’s Just Hype Learn the marketing tactics bringing success to brands big and small and how to adapt them to any business type.
- When to Hire an Agency We’ll break down the marketing functions you can easily accomplish in-house, vs. the ones better outsourced to an agency.
…and much more.