BSA Troop 970 customers can now make online purchases and submit payments via debit/credit card or direct debit ACH processing.
DENVER , CO , March 19, 2007 – PaySimple, an industry-leading provider of payment management solutions for businesses, is pleased to announce it has been chosen by Boy Scouts of America Troop 970 to provide a simpler way for the organization to collect payments for fundraising activities. BSA’s customers can now go to the troop’s website to make purchases and pay via an online form using either a credit/debit card or an ACH direct debit from a checking account.
Customer demand for purchasing online is becoming an increasingly important factor in how merchants conduct business. By accepting online payments, Troop 970 reduces the amount of time and effort it takes to process an order. Troop members can access the orders within the gateway using a secure password from any computer with Internet access. By increasing the order processing as well as payment processing efficiency, the Troop can increase the number of orders taken and ultimately increase the amount of funds raised.
“It’s great to be able to help a worthy organization like the Boy Scouts enhance their fundraising efforts,” said Eric Remer, CEO of PaySimple. “Because our intuitive user-friendly gateway interface requires minimal training to use, the PaySimple system is an ideal choice for organizations like the Boy Scouts, who rely on a network of volunteer workers.”
In addition to providing the payment gateway technology, PaySimple also created a custom online ordering and payment form branded for BSA Troop 970. For example, the current fundraiser is a mulch sale. Using the PaySimple form, customers can designate how many bags of mulch they would like to purchase and where they would like the mulch to be delivered. The system calculates costs, collects payment information, and submits directly into the PaySimple system for payment processing. In addition, the PaySimple system has the ability to accept custom fields for any additional information the merchant might require. In this case, the merchant wants to know where on the driveway the mulch should be stacked. BSA volunteers access order information from the PaySimple system and deliver mulch, as requested, once the system shows payment has cleared.
For more information about PaySimple and its payment processing gateway, visit the company website at or call 877-740-1554.