Not-for-profits can now reap the benefits of electronic check and credit card processing with the robust PaySimple system at a specially discounted price.

DENVER , CO , July 11, 2007– PaySimple, an industry-leading provider of payment management solutions for businesses, is pleased to announce it will be offering a discount product package specifically for non-profit businesses. Rollout of this package will commence at the National Association of Church Business Administration’s (NACBA) 51st National Convention in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas, July 11th through July 15th, 2007.

Across industries, the consumer demand for easier payment methods is influencing the way companies do business, whether not-for-profit or for-profit. Direct-debit, auto-recurring programs, and online payment functionality are now considered commonplace and are also some of the most effective ways to increase contribution volume and fulfillment rates. According to, a NACHA sponsored website, non-profit businesses utilizing electronic payment processing average a 98 percent fulfillment rate, which is 50 percent higher than those using mail-based programs.

“As more and more industries are realizing the value of electronic processing, we’re excited to not only have the ability to help small to medium-sized businesses, but also non-profits trying to compete with larger and more efficient corporations,” said Eric Remer, CEO of PaySimple. “Our system helps non-profits cut down on processing costs and volunteer labor, gives donors an easier way to contribute, and ultimately facilitates revenue growth.”

With the PaySimple system, non-profits can accept donations in person, over the phone, or online, and also set up donors on recurring-giving schedules. Because PaySimple hosts the secure payment form, the business does not need to have a website to implement an online giving program. The user-friendly, web-based system can be accessed from any computer, processes both credit card and electronic check transactions, and automatically deposits funds into the organization’s bank account.

The PaySimple non-profit business package includes a setup fee of $149.00, $50.00 off the standard setup pricing, and free customization of a basic online payment form. Monthly gateway fees start at $19.95, plus transaction fees, and additional discounts are available for NACBA conference attendees who visit PaySimple at booth #241.

For more information about PaySimple and its payment processing gateway, visit the company website at or call 877-740-1554.